
Thursday, March 27, 2008

Rails: Logging User Activity for Usability

At the beginning of the month, I started usability testing for FromThePage. Due to my limited resources, I'm not able to perform usability testing in control rooms, or (better yet) hire a disinterested expert with a background in the natural sciences to conduct usability tests for me. I'm pretty much limited to sending people the URL for the app with a pleading e-mail, then waiting with fingers crossed for a reply.

For anyone who finds themselves in the same situation, I recommend adding some logging code to your app. We tried this last year with Sara's project, discovering that only 5% of site visitors were even getting to the features we'd spent most of our time on. It was also invaluable resolving bugs reports. When a user complains they got logged off the system, we could track their clicks and see exactly what they were doing that killed their session.

Here's how I've done this for FromThePage in Rails:

First, you need a place to store each user action. You'll want to store information about who was performing the action, and what they were doing. I was willing to violate my sense of data model aesthetics for performance reasons, and abandon third normal form by combining these two distinct concepts into the same table.

# who's doing the clicking?
user_id #null if they're not logged in

Tracking the browser lets you figure out whether your code doesn't work in IE (it doesn't) and whether Google is scraping your site before it's ready (it is). The session ID is the key used to aggregate all these actions -- one of these corresponds to several clicks that make up a user session. Finally, the IP address give you a bit of a clue as to where the user is coming from.

Next, you need to store what's actually being done, and on what objects in your system. Again, this goes within the same table.

# what happened on this click?
:collection_id #null if inapplicable
:work_id #null if inapplicable
:page_id #null if inapplicable

In this case, every click will record the action and the associated HTTP parameters. If one of those parameters was collection_id, work_id, or page_id (the three most important objects within FromThePage), we'll store that too. Put all this in a migration script and create a model that refers to it. In this case, we'll call that model "activity".

Now we need to actually record the action. This is a good job for a before_filter. Since I've got a before_filter in ApplicationController that set up important variables like the page, work, or collection, I'll place my before_filter in the same spot and call it after that one.

before_filter :record_activity

But what does it do?

def record_activity
@activity =
# who is doing the activity?
@activity.session_id = session.session_id #record the session
@activity.browser = request.env['HTTP_USER_AGENT']
@activity.ip_address = request.env['REMOTE_ADDR']
# what are they doing?
@activity.action = action_name # grab this from the controller
@activity.params = params.inspect # wrap this in an unless block if it might contain a password
if @collection
@activity.collection_id =
# ditto for work, page, and user IDs

For extra credit, add a status field set to 'incomplete' in your record_activity method, then update it to 'complete' in an after_filter. This is a great way for catching activity that throws exceptions for users and presents error pages you might not know about otherwise.

P.S. Let me know if you'd like to try out the software.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

THATCamp 2008

I'm going to THATCamp at the end of May to talk about From The Page and a few dozen other cool projects that are going on in the digital humanities. If anybody can offer advice on what to expect from an "unconference", I'd sure appreciate it.

This may be the thing that finally drives me to use Twitter.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Rails 2.0 Gotchas

The deprecation tools for Rails 2.0 are grand, but they really don't tell you everything you need to know. The things that have bitten me so far are:

  • The built-in pagination has been removed from the core framework. Unlike tools like acts_as_list and acts_as_tree, however, there's no obvious plugin that makes the old code work. This is because the old pagination code was really awful: it performed poorly and hid your content from search engines. Fortunately, Sara was able to convert my paginate calls to use the will_paginate plugin pretty easily.
  • Rails Engines, or at least the restful_comments plugin built on top of them, don't seem to work at all. So I've had to disable the comments and proofreading request system I spent November through January building.
  • Rails 2.0 adds some spiffy automated code to prevent cross-site-scripting security holes. For some reason this breaks my cross-controller AJAX calls, so I've had to add
    protect_from_forgery :except => [my old actions]
    to those controllers after getting InvalidAuthenticityToken exceptions.
  • The default session has been changed from a filesystem-based storage engine to one that shoves session data into the browser cookie. So if you're persisting large-ish objects across requests in the session, this will fail. Sadly, basic tests may pass, while serious work will break: I found my bulk page transformation
    code to work fine for 20 pages, but break for 180. The solution for this is to add
    config.action_controller.session_store = :p_store
    in your environment.rb file.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Collaborative Transcription as Crowdsourcing

Yesterday morning I saw Derek Powazek present on crowdsourcing -- user-generated content and collaborative communities. While he covered a lot of material that (users will do unexpected things, don't exploit people, design for the "selfish user"), there was one anecdote I thought especially relevant for FromThePage.

A publishing house had polled a targeted group of people to figure out whether they'd be interested in contributing magazine articles. The response was overwhelmingly positive. The appropriate studies were conducted, and the site was launched -- A blank page, ready for article contributions.

The response from those previously enthusiastic users was silence. Crickets. Tumbleweeds. The editors quickly changed tack and posted a list of ten subjects who'd agreed to be interviewed by the site's contributors,
asking for volunteers to conduct and write up the interviews. This time, people responded with the same enthusiasm they'd shown at the original survey.

The lesson was that successful editors of collaborative content endeavorshave less in common with traditional magazine/project editors thanthey do with community managers. Absent thecommand-and-control organizational structure, a volunteer community still needs to have its effortsdirected. However, this must be done through guidance andpersuasion through concrete suggestions, goal-setting, and feedback. In future releases, I need to add featuresto help work owners communicate suggestions and rewards* to scribes.

(Powazek suggests attaboys, not complex replacements for currency here)

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Meet me at SXSWi 2008

I'll be at South by Southwest Interactive this weekend. If any of my readers are also attending, please drop me a message or leave a comment. I'd love to meet up.