In case that your organisation (archives, libraries, scientific institutions) works on projects for digital editions or may do so in the future, I would be very grateful for your answers to my survey questions. Please forward this e-mail to anyone working with digital editions and transcription tools. The survey will take 15-20 minutes.
Please click on the following link to complete the survey:
Thursday, May 31, 2012
Survey on Crowdsourced Transcription Tools
Via Twitter and the TEI-L mailing list, I see that Jens Brokfeld, a graduate student in Potsdam, is conducting a survey of projects using transcription tools for his thesis, “Creating Digital Editions with Crowdsourced Manuscript Transcription: A Tool Evaluation”. I encourage readers of this blog to take the survey and help advance the field.
Friday, May 25, 2012
Transcription Tools at TCDL 2012
Yesterday I presented a guide to choosing software for crowdsourced manuscript transcription at the Texas Conference on Digital Libraries. Here are the slides from that talk:
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
Bending Regular Expressions to Express Uncertainty
This post expands upon an email I sent to James Edward Gray II, my mentor in regular expressions, whom I thank for his generosity.
For the last few months--ever since I started conducting regular expression workshops at THATCamps--I've been thinking about using regular expressions to represent uncertainty. The great power of the regex is its ability to define context, boundaries, and precision over what is essentially unknown:
I build tools for transcribing handwritten text -- some of it very old, some of it illegible, some of it damaged by fire or water. Representing uncertainty is a common problem within that domain, and it's important for a couple of reasons:
While otherwise rigorous, the methods professional documentary editors use for recording uncertain readings are pretty shabby -- suited to print editions, they're often concise but imprecise: the Emerson Journals display missing text via

This is where the notation regular expressions use for their search patterns comes in. It seems like a perfect fit to record
One of the only big differences between UCF notation and regular expression notation is the use of underscore (
So, cool! We've got a notation for describing uncertainty inspired by regular expressions. Problem solved, right? Well, not quite. While FreeUKGen's UCF represents uncertain readings successfully, I think, there are still a couple of issues to iron out.
The first one of these is displaying the data -- I won't go too far into this, as UI is not really my forte, but it seems like we might be able to represent notations of the form "[a_]" by using a different font weight. I have no idea what we'll do about a "Br[au]mfield", though.
The second issue is in searching the data. No problem, right? Regular expressions are designed for searching! Well, sort of. In this case, we expect end users (primarily genealogy researchers) to be typing in precise search strings like "Brumfield" which they expect to match against the regular expression
The problem with searching regular expressions is that you can't index them. So far as I'm aware, it's theoretically impossible to shove a working finite state machine into a B+-tree. What you can do, however, is index permutations of UCF -- if a first name is
After writing this and reading James's response, I started thinking more about my options. One of these is a parallelized brute-force approach. Why can't I match each regex in the database against a search string? After all, we're talking about fewer than a billion records, and asking
Another approach might be to categorize each kind of UCF expression. Based on my limited research so far, it appears that the majority of the UCF in the existing transcripts falls into either the "completely unknown" category of
Moving into what I expect are rarer cases, expressions like
Yet another approach is one that I understand to be deployed on the FreeUKGen databases now -- lossy comparison that reduces UCF to searchable data. For example, the venerable Soundex algorithm begins by stripping non-alphabetic data from a record, converting
Perhaps the right approach is a hybrid -- use tricks with database indexing for the majority of cases--which don't involve any UCF at all--provide Soundex and Metaphone in transparent ways, and shove the irreducable regular expressions into a spot where they can be processed cheaply. But I really don't know, and I don't anticipate knowing for months yet. Of course, if you happen to have done this before, I'd love to know how. I'm heading to bed, expecting dreams which revolve around
For the last few months--ever since I started conducting regular expression workshops at THATCamps--I've been thinking about using regular expressions to represent uncertainty. The great power of the regex is its ability to define context, boundaries, and precision over what is essentially unknown:
means "I'm looking for an A
followed by either a B
or a C
-- I don't know which, but if you
see either of those, that's the text."I build tools for transcribing handwritten text -- some of it very old, some of it illegible, some of it damaged by fire or water. Representing uncertainty is a common problem within that domain, and it's important for a couple of reasons:
- Usually the text will be presented out of context -- the ASCII (or Unicode) characters representing the underlying text will be separated from the image containing the underlying text.
- Even when the images are available, the person doing the transcription is far more skilled at deciphering a particular cursive hand than their readers are likely to be. Take someone trained in 16th century paleography, who has spent weeks working on a particular author's handwriting -- their opinion on whether a scribble is an "f" or an "s" is going to be worth more than that of a casual researcher who encounters that handwriting in a single record of search results. We need to pass that opinion from the expert to the reader.
While otherwise rigorous, the methods professional documentary editors use for recording uncertain readings are pretty shabby -- suited to print editions, they're often concise but imprecise: the Emerson Journals display missing text via
|| . . . ||
, with "three
dots representing one to five words; four dots, six to ten words; and
five dots, sixteen to thirty words". Another example uses [ . . . ]
with each period representing an illegible letter. There is no
convention for expressing "I'm sure this is either an 'a' or a 'u',
but I can't be certain which one." (Kline and Perdue, A Guide to
Documentary Editing, Third Edition)
This is where the notation regular expressions use for their search patterns comes in. It seems like a perfect fit to record
when the user can't tell whether a name is "Brumfield"
or "Bramfield" but is certain that it's not, say "Bremfield". And
happily, FreeUKGen is doing exactly this -- they've created a
regex-inspired Uncertain Character Format (UCF) for their volunteers to
use when they're not quite able to make out text:And their volunteers are actually using UCF a lot -- here's a file with a minimal-but-effective example, and here's a list of files with a high incidence of records containing UCF.
(Underscore)A single uncertain character. It could be anything but is definitely one character. It can be repeated for each uncertain character. *
(Asterisk)Several adjacent uncertain characters. A single *
is used when there are 1 or more adjacent uncertain characters. It is not used immediately before or after a_
or another*
Note: If it is clear there is a space, then* *
is used to represent 2 words, neither of which can be read.[abc]
A single character that could be any one of the contained characters and only those characters. There must be at least two characters between the brackets.
For example,[79]
would mean either a7
or a9
, whereas[C_]
would mean aC
or some other character.{min,max}
Repeat count - the preceding character occurs somewhere between min and max times. max may be omitted, meaning there is no upper limit. So _{1,}
would be equivalent to*
, and_{0,1}
means that it is unclear if there is any character.?
Sometimes you will have the situation where all of the characters have been read but you remain uncertain of the word. In this case append a ? at the end of the word e.g. RACHARD? The most frequent place where a ? is used is with transcription that have been donated from other systems and are being converted for entry into FreeREG.
One of the only big differences between UCF notation and regular expression notation is the use of underscore (
) for "I'm not sure what this character is". In a sense, this is equivalent to the regex .
character, but in practice that's not how it's used. /[i.]/
makes no sense in regular expressions: "either 'i'
or any character" is turned into the logical set of all characters
plus the set of { 'i' }
, the union of which is the same as the set of all characters
. As a result, in regular expressions the 'i'
is redundant in [i.]
. However, that's not how they use _
in UCF. [i_]
means "I think this character is an 'i'
, but I'm not really sure." That statement is not the same thing as "I don't know what this character is" -- not at all! So, cool! We've got a notation for describing uncertainty inspired by regular expressions. Problem solved, right? Well, not quite. While FreeUKGen's UCF represents uncertain readings successfully, I think, there are still a couple of issues to iron out.
The first one of these is displaying the data -- I won't go too far into this, as UI is not really my forte, but it seems like we might be able to represent notations of the form "[a_]" by using a different font weight. I have no idea what we'll do about a "Br[au]mfield", though.
The second issue is in searching the data. No problem, right? Regular expressions are designed for searching! Well, sort of. In this case, we expect end users (primarily genealogy researchers) to be typing in precise search strings like "Brumfield" which they expect to match against the regular expression
. This wouldn't be a
problem if we only had a handful of records -- we'd convert the UCF in
each transcription into its equivalent regular expression, then iterate through each
record, matching it against the user-entered search string.
Unfortunately this approach might take a while on a database
containing hundreds of millions of records.The problem with searching regular expressions is that you can't index them. So far as I'm aware, it's theoretically impossible to shove a working finite state machine into a B+-tree. What you can do, however, is index permutations of UCF -- if a first name is
, you can
at least index Jane
so that a search for "Jane" will find that
record. You can also permute /Br[au]mfield/
into both "Brumfield"
and index them each, so that a search on either string
will find the /Br[au]mfield/
record. This an incomplete solution, in
that its results will differ from the aforementioned, logically
correct approach of applying each regex against the search string.
However, it might be just adequate for the most common cases.After writing this and reading James's response, I started thinking more about my options. One of these is a parallelized brute-force approach. Why can't I match each regex in the database against a search string? After all, we're talking about fewer than a billion records, and asking
does X match Y
is the sort of thing that is easily parallelized. O brave new world, that has such infrastructure! I'm hesitant to go down this path, but I may be missing something -- perhaps some Hadoopy, Erlangy, Map-Reducey algorithm is cheap, easy, and presents the simplest solution to the problem? Any other option is really an approximation to "correct", so it would be a shame to rule this out because of my own lack of experience.Another approach might be to categorize each kind of UCF expression. Based on my limited research so far, it appears that the majority of the UCF in the existing transcripts falls into either the "completely unknown" category of
for an entire field, or the nuanced "I think this is a J
but I'm not sure" category represented by [J_]
. We will likely have to handle the former gingerly no matter what we do -- if a surname is totally illegible in the manuscript, the search engine will have to rely on other fields. The former expression could be approximated by "J"
, which would match precise searches well provided the transcriber actually has the greatest possible expertise.Moving into what I expect are rarer cases, expressions like
would work well with the permutation treatment I outlined above. If the system already supports begins-with
and ends-with
searches, we should be able to index "Brumf*"
as well as "*field"
. In fact, we might even be able to index a single, infixed wildcard like "Br*ld"
by doing both begins-with
and ends-with
searches with a combination of cleverness and hackery. This leaves some smaller number of true regular expression-equivalent UCF-encoded records like "Ca_{1,2}s*d" to deal with. It's possible that this represents such a small sample that the system could actually apply each record containing an irreducible regex to every search, whether via big parallelization or a long loop.Yet another approach is one that I understand to be deployed on the FreeUKGen databases now -- lossy comparison that reduces UCF to searchable data. For example, the venerable Soundex algorithm begins by stripping non-alphabetic data from a record, converting
to "Jane"
. The uncertainty recorded by the transcriber fades into the larger fog of the search algorithm. I'm just as uncomfortable with this methodology as I am with the permutation of /[J_]ane/
to "Jane"
I described above. I suspect that my discomfort is due to simply not knowing what the correct behavior is when a user is searching on /[J_]ane/
-- I know that "Jane" should match, but am not entirely sure whether "Zane" should match the record.Perhaps the right approach is a hybrid -- use tricks with database indexing for the majority of cases--which don't involve any UCF at all--provide Soundex and Metaphone in transparent ways, and shove the irreducable regular expressions into a spot where they can be processed cheaply. But I really don't know, and I don't anticipate knowing for months yet. Of course, if you happen to have done this before, I'd love to know how. I'm heading to bed, expecting dreams which revolve around
gem install index-fsm
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